ARK Survival Evolved: Beware the Icthy

2 min readMay 6, 2021


In ARK: Survival Evolved, there are many challenges to overcome, most with death as the punishment for failure. In this world, a player’s patience and persistence will be tried over and over again, often leading to frustration. There is no better example of this than the flying terror known as the Ichthyornis.

With features similar to that of a seagull, the seemingly harmless Ichtyornis hovers above the coasts watching its prey below. Normally, their targets are the various fish, snagged after a successful dive into the ocean. However, there is one other helpless prey to the Ichthyornis, the players themselves. Often at the most inopportune times, the Icthy will drop from the skies on an unsuspecting player, disarming them and stealing their food. This is especially irritating in the middle of other conflicts with other creatures in the game. Their movements are unpredictable, often attacking without provocation. At other times, you may stand underneath one and not get attacked at all.

Luckily, if clever enough, this creature’s “talents” can be used for a player’s benefit once tamed. An aggressive hunter, once commanded to do so, will hunt smaller creatures and return their corpses to you. Due to their efficient hunting style, Prime Meat is available from very common and easily killed creatures, making the Ichthyornis a valuable companion for collecting food.

With these characteristics, the Ichthyornis is definitely considered one of the most mentioned creatures in regards to Ark: Survival Evolved with many long threads dedicated to the passionate opinions of this infamous creature.




Written by DodoZone


Let’s play some games and ride some dodos

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